Vincent Rivera
Founding Attorney - Criminal Defense LawyerLet us tell the complete story if you’re charged with a crime
The system is not designed to hear your full story:
- Police want a confession.
- Prosecutors want a guilty plea.
And the system just keeps turning. You get one shot to make your case and tell your story to the court.
You are more than their version of the story. We will take the time to hear your story and to learn who you are and what happened. We will tell your entire story so the judge and jury know the whole picture—Let us be your voice for that story.
We specialize in telling your story to the judge and jury. We are next-level experts who train law students and other attorneys how to be litigators.
Vincent has experience in State and Federal courts. He's handled jury trials from
- Domestic Battery,
- Drug possession,
- Drug distribution,
- DUIs,
- Sex crimes,
- and Felony murder.
Chances are, no matter what you’re charged with, Vincent's been there.
Two-time recipient of the Kansas Legal Educator Award for presenting to Kansas Criminal Defense attorneys on challenging RIED interrogations, and law practice management.
As a trial attorney, you can’t rely on your experience alone. How many professional fighters just show up to a fight, relying only on their "experience," without training? It’s important to be dedicated to improvement through quality training from experts in the field, and learning the best techniques.
Vincent Rivera has consistently pursued top-level training thorough his career. From National Criminal Defense College in 2010, REID Police interrogation training, and the KCMBA Robert T. Ross Trial Academy in 2019-2020.
To strengthen our civil rights, it's important to share your experience and training with other attorneys. Then those attorneys can go on to protect their clients rights, and in the end everyone’s rights are protected.
Vincent Rivera teaches trial skills to law students at Washburn Law’s Intensive Trial Advocacy Program (ITAP). ITAP is a week-long trial skills program, where law students are taught in small groups by leading Kansas trial attorneys. Students are given in-depth training, practice and individual feedback on all aspects of trial litigation.
He has given presentations to the Kansas Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys (KACDL), and serves as a mentor to other attorneys.