Kansas Federal Criminal Defense
Attorney Vincent RiveraCriminal charges of any kind raise concerns about your future. When those charges escalate into an investigation conducted by a federal agency and, ultimately, an accusation of federal offense, you may panic. If you’ve been charged with a federal crime, you probably have numerous questions about the forthcoming government proceedings and your options for legal representation.
If you or a loved one have been charged with a federal crime, get in touch with an experienced federal criminal defense at Rivera Law LLC, who have been practicing law in Olathe, Kansas and the Kansas City area for years.
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quickly navigate to specific sectionsHow Are Crimes Prosecuted in Kansas?
Most crimes committed in Kansas are prosecuted under state law in a Kansas state court. Criminal cases involving only federal laws, however, typically must be tried only in federal court by an assistant US Attorney. Some crimes can be prosecuted in a state or federal court, depending on the nature of the charge.
As lawmakers pass ever-increasing amounts of federal legislation, the federal criminal justice system continues to impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens who have been charged and convicted under federal criminal laws.
Who Investigates Federal Crimes?
- ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms)
- DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency)
- FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
- ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
- IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
- Secret Service
How Are Federal Investigations Different Than State Investigations?
Penalties and Sentences of Federal Crimes
Federal crimes generally carry stiffer sentences than state crimes, especially in the areas of drug trafficking and conspiracy. Federal criminal penalties are also more severe in cases involving child pornography and other sexual offenses prosecuted in federal court. Interestingly, white collar cases (like fraud, embezzlement and corruption) usually do not result in as steep a sentence as one might get if prosecuted for the same offense in state court.
For the most part, however, the mandatory minimum penalties and federal sentencing guidelines usually result in very lengthy sentences for people convicted of federal crimes. That’s one of the main reasons it is so important to retain a Olathe federal defense attorney with a record of success in federal court if the case is being prosecuted by the federal government.
What Is the Difference Between Federal and State Charges?
Unlike state crimes, which involve the violation of a law, statute, or ordinance passed by local authorities or State legislature, a federal crime is one that has to do with offenses at the national level—that is, statutes and ordinances passed by the United States Congress. This umbrella covers a very wide array of crimes, including drug offenses fraud, counterfeiting, and much more.
One of the biggest differences you will see between state and federal criminal court cases comes in the workup time. Whereas state cases will often be investigated and brought to trial relatively quickly, federal cases can sometimes take months or even years to be fully brought to fruition. They can involve extensive investigation techniques, including wiretaps, the use of confidential informants, and video surveillance.
To Plead Guilty or To Go To Trial?
The 6th amendment to the US constitution guarantees you the right to a trial by jury. Before your trial, the government may offer you a plea bargain. In essence, this is a reduced sentence in exchange for pleading guilty. If you have information about other crimes or alleged criminals, the government will often offer a better plea bargain and an even more reduced sentence in exchange for this knowledge, so it's essential that you share everything you know with your lawyer. Before accepting a plea bargain or deciding to go to trial, consult with your attorney.
There is a very real possibility of serious jail time if you are found guilty at the end of your trial, and that is something to take into consideration. If you have been arrested or charged with a federal crime contact Rivera Law, LLC immediately for a consultation.
Most Common Federal Offenses
These Include, but Are Not Limited To:
- Aircraft Hijacking
- Any crimes committed on federal property or Indian reservations.
- Assassination of someone holding public office.
- Bribery and Honest Services Fraud.
- Child Pornography and Sexual Exploitation.
- Computer Hacking and Cyberstalking.
- Counterfeiting
- Damaging Public Mailboxes
- Federal Drug Conspiracy Charges
- Federal Firearms Offenses
- Federal Tax Crimes
- Health Care Fraud Charges
- Human Trafficking
- Immigration Offenses
- Kidnapping
- Mail Fraud
- Money Laundering Charges
- Museum Art Theft
- “Pill Mill” Allegations
- Possession of weapons banned by the National Firearms Act.
- Robbing a bank that has insured its deposits with a federal agency.
- Securities Fraud
- Tax Evasion
- Trafficking illegal drugs across international borders or state lines.
- Wire Fraud and Mail Fraud Charges.
Charged With a Federal Crime in Kansas?
If you’ve been charged with a federal crime, you probably have numerous questions about the forthcoming government proceedings and your options for legal representation.
For the most FAQ's about criminal defense visit our page.
Kansas City
500 State Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66101
(913) 735-2200
Mon.-Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm
444 S.E. Quincy.
Topeka, KS 66683
(785) 338-5400
Mon.-Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm
401 N. Market
Wichita, KS 67202
(316) 315-4200
Mon.-Fri. 9am - 4:30pm
If you have been charged with a federal crime do not hesitate to contact our firm at (913) 210-0844 for a free consultation now.