Warrants That Are Extraditable Across State Lines
Attorney Vincent RiveraNon-extraditable and Extraditable Warrants
If the warrant is non-extraditable and you’re picked up in another state you will be released. If the warrant is extraditable you will be arrested and held in custody until the “issuing State” transports you.
Whether or not a warrant is extraditable is decided at the time the warrant is issued. Generally, more serious charges are extraditable, and less serious offenses are non-extraditable.
Why? Because of money. The “issuing State” must pay the arresting State/County jail fees plus the costs of transportation.
Example of an extraditable warrant
As a criminal defense law firm in Kansas, We feel it is important to inform you about the potential consequences of having an extraditable warrant. An extraditable warrant is a warrant that allows law enforcement officials to arrest and detain an individual in another state and transport them back to the issuing state to face charges. This means that if you have a warrant out for your arrest in Kansas, you can be arrested in any other state, and you will be held in custody until you are transported back to Kansas.
For example: If someone is picked up on an extraditable warrant, for a minor offense, 500 miles away. It may take some time to have them transported to the “issuing State”. If that is the case the issuing State will be left with a hefty bill for housing and transportation, over a minor offense.
Severity of the offense
It is important to note that the severity of the offense is a significant factor in determining whether a warrant is extraditable. More serious charges, such as felony offenses, are typically extraditable, while minor offenses, such as traffic violations, may not be. However, this does not mean that you should ignore a warrant for a minor offense. It is always best to address any outstanding warrants, regardless of the severity of the offense.
If you have an extraditable warrant out for your arrest, it is crucial to understand the potential financial burden that comes with it. The issuing state is responsible for paying for your housing and transportation back to Kansas to face charges. This can be a significant financial burden, particularly for minor offenses. Additionally, being held in custody in another state can be a traumatic and stressful experience.
Contact Criminal Defense Law Firm Rivera Law
As an attorney, it is critical to be aware of the potential costs associated with extraditable warrants. The issuing state is responsible for paying for the housing and transportation of the individual being transported back to the state to face charges. This can be a significant financial burden, particularly for minor offenses.
In some cases, it may be possible to challenge the extradition process. This can be done by arguing that the warrant is not valid or that the individual is being charged with a non-extraditable offense. As an attorney, it is your responsibility to explore all possible options and to advocate for your client's rights.
In conclusion, understanding the implications of extraditable warrants is crucial for any criminal defense attorney. By staying informed and up-to-date on the latest laws and regulations, you can better serve your clients and help them navigate the complex legal system.